
My 45th birthday seemed like a good excuse to start this photo blog. The concept is simple – one photo per day, for a whole year. The photos won’t have any grand theme, just ones I think look good — or at least the best of that day’s batch. This should help keep me focused (hah!) on taking pictures regularly, and improving my technique.

I’ve been taking digital photos since 1998, mostly with a succession of compact cameras. When Shane & Eoin arrived on the scene a few years ago, I decided I needed something better – enter my first DSLR, the Canon 550D. Since then, I’ve been getting more serious about photography, learning about both the technical and creative aspects. The more I learn, the more I realise how much craft is involved in the simple act of taking a picture.

You’re welcome to come along for the journey – hopefully at least some of the photos will catch your eye.

Eddy Carroll
16 July 2013


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